The right to listen to the voices of the ancestors: a plea
A plea for making phonographic recordings from Togo accessible to the people of Togo. Submitted to the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv on March 21, 2023.
A plea for making phonographic recordings from Togo accessible to the people of Togo. Submitted to the Berlin Phonogramm-Archiv on March 21, 2023.
Ausstellung vom 26.04 bis zum 30.06. 26. April, 18 - 20 Uhr: Eröffnung und Gastvortrag von Mèhèza Kalibani: Stimmen als Beute: Wie Gesänge und Sprichwörter von Kolonisierten nach Berlin gelangten.
With the invention of the phonograph in 1877, the sound not only became a museum artifact in the European ethnological context but this invention also offered new opportunities for scholars in their attempt to study the so-called ?primitives?
Felix Gräfenberg (History Commission for Westphalia) interviews Mèhèza Kalibani on how to deal with colonial sound records on Togo. Kalibani explains the significance of acoustic sources in colonial history research, tells about her research trip to West Africa and clarifies what all this has to do with Westphalia.
For the WDR 5 Scala programme on 26 August 2021, Jürgen Salm reports on phonographic collections from colonial contexts in European sound archives and the issues surrounding their sensitivity. He interviews Mèhèza Kalibani and Annette Hoffmann.